Friday, July 8, 2016


Before I turn 30 (August 26th, 2018):

1. Lose 99 pounds to reach a healthy weight of 130 pounds
2. Run a full 5 km
3. Have more energy/not be tired all the time

Wednesday, January 7, 2015


So my sister was recently diagnosed with extreme celiac.
She had blood tests and biopsies
And now can never eat DQ ice cream cakes or Big Macs ever again.

I am pretty sure that I too have and gluten intolerance

My sister's celiac specialist said that it is important for me to not simply give up gluten (as I have been)
He said I should go in and have the biopsy done.

I got a little angry.

I can't afford the test!
I don't have time!
What does it matter?

But I think it's deeper than these excuses.
I think I'm afraid of finding out that I too have celiac
That I will have to be THAT person.

The one that brings her own food to friends' parties
And shoots down plans to eat out for lack of gluten free options
Who reads every label
Thinks twice about sharing snacks
Turns down home baked items
And struggles with travelling to places where packages are not in English.

I don't want to be that person.
I want to be able to eat a Big Mac or a hot dog or street food or ice cream cake every once in awhile without having to worry about how it's going to effect me for the next several days of my life . . .

But on the other hand.
Now that my sister has been diagnosed she has been prescribed B vitamin injections to help restore her bodies health and energy.
I want that.
I want to be able to wake up and not feel exhausted.
To not want to sleep all the time.

Maybe the biopsy would be worth it . . .

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Day 15 - GF

Sleep : Didn't go to bed on time. Didn't get up on time. Close to 8 hours, but I've felt a little 'off' all day - maybe dehydration? Have had a faint headache and feel tired.

- PB & J Oatmeal


-Cookie (oops!)
-candy cane
-Blueberry 'mint'

-Green beans

-Earl grey coconut whip
-Gluten free sugar cookie
-Cashew chocolate mousse
-Earl Grey :)

GF Day 14 -

- Berry Banana Green Tea and Spinach Coconut Milk Smoothie
- Iron Pill

- Potato Salad
- 1 hot dog (I couldn't resist!)

- Spinach and Feta Chicken
- Brown Rice
- Broccoli
: I like how stable I feel when I stay gluten free. My life used to feel seriously out of control and chaotic like I couldn't keep up. And I'm obviously still busy, but I feel . . . normal. And not only emotionally (I hardly ever/never feel depressed now that I'm gluten free) - but I also don't struggle as much with exhaustion. Obviously Im still careful to get 8 hours of sleep each night, and not stay out too late - but my energy level stays fairly consistent throughout the day.


Monday, December 1, 2014

Gluten free - Day 12

Slept - 7.5 hours (Not well. Weird dreams about pirates and cat piranhas and such, and I was up like every two hours.)

- Berry Banana Coconut milk smoothie
- Iron Pill

- Fried rice with onions, garlic and corn

- Hummus
- Carrots

- Beef stew (gluten free)
- Potatoes
- Broccoli

- lime corn chips
- dark chocolate chips
- Earl Grey
- Cashew Chocolate frozen dessert

Calories : 1394

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Gluten free day 11

Well. I think the test may be over.
I ate normal, gluten filled foods for the last two days, and today I've felt awful.
Absolutely zero energy or motivation
So cranky
And my eyes felt hugely puffy.

/Maybe it's a placebo effect.

But if I can live a life with consistency and stability - then who cares.

Back to gluten free tomorrow.

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Gluten Free Test - Day 9

Slept 8 hours
: Woke up wishing I could sleep more. But I only woke up once. Also - the dreams only started after that one time waking up

- PB - Blueberry Smoothie
- Earl Grey
- Iron Pill

- Hummus
- Carrots
- Piece of home made granola bar

-Chia Pudding
- Raspberry lime puree

-Roasted green beans, potatoes and onions
- Fried rice with cheese

-Frozen cashew and chocolate dessert
-Earl grey tea :)

There's nothing saying for sure that being gluten free is helping me - but I definitely feel more stable. Less depressed . . . Coincidence?